Ta dah! You may have noticed that I've made some changes around here (i.e. a complete redesign!) and I'm so happy with the way Dreams and Colour Schemes now looks. I've been wanting to do this for a while and with it being summer I've actually had the time to sit down and get it done. The whole process of redesigning actually got me thinking about where I want this blog to go and what I want it to be. I blogged on and off in 2014 but had so many silly things holding me back, however I've now been consistently blogging here for 8 months and in that relatively short amount of time, I feel my goals have shifted in some ways. Initially, my main focus was to have this space as a means of documenting my work and creative journey. While that is still a part of what I want to do, my ideas for this blog have grown beyond just that one aspect. I've never actually sat down and thought about my blogging goals, so with my redesign complete, I think it's about time I solidify my aims.
Have a more consistent schedule - Since up until January of this year, I was SO inconsistent with my blogging, I wanted my initial posting goal to be something nice and achievable and so I decided that I wanted to post at least once a week. It was something to get me going without overwhelming myself and setting myself up to fail. I've kept that goal up and I'm really proud that I have, but now I feel like the time has come to step this up. I no longer want to post on a Monday one week and on a Thursday the next. I'm a huge advocate of quality over quantity and I want my new goal to be something I can stick to even in busier times at uni, I simply want to be more consistent. Moving forward, I will now be putting out a post every Wednesday (starting today!). There may be times when I post more than once in a week, but Wednesday will be the day when you can definitely expect something new.
Brainstorm ideas and carry a blogging notebook - As of now, if I think of an idea, I create a new post, write the idea in as the title and save it as a draft for later. It works, but sometimes I wish I actually put pen to paper when it comes to recording ideas. Along with this also comes the fact that I don't tend to sit down and specifically dedicate time to brainstorming ideas for posts, I just let them come to me as and when. I now want to sit down at least once every 2 weeks to brainstorm ideas, as well as keeping a physical notebook to write them all down in.
Improve my content - While I think I've come a long way with this since starting Dreams and Colour Schemes, there's always room for improvement right? I'm including both my writing and images in this goal as I'd like to improve the overall quality of every post that I publish to the point where I'm totally proud of every single one.
Improve my content - While I think I've come a long way with this since starting Dreams and Colour Schemes, there's always room for improvement right? I'm including both my writing and images in this goal as I'd like to improve the overall quality of every post that I publish to the point where I'm totally proud of every single one.
Host a Twitter chat - Discovering Twitter chats was huge blessing for me. No longer was I floating around in cyber-space, hoping that people would somehow discover my content and I actually began to actively make connections with other bloggers. The next step would be to host one myself, so it's on my to do list!
Be better at promoting my content - While I regularly use Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, something tells me that I'm not using them to anywhere near their full potential in terms of promoting my blog. I'd like to up my game in this department and start promoting my content in a more effective and consistent way.
Be better at promoting my content - While I regularly use Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, something tells me that I'm not using them to anywhere near their full potential in terms of promoting my blog. I'd like to up my game in this department and start promoting my content in a more effective and consistent way.
Increase my statistics - While this definitely isn't the most important thing, of course it's only natural for us to look at how many people are viewing and following our blog. It's always nice to see that people are enjoying your content, so I'd like to steadily increase my statistics and followings on platforms such as Bloglovin', Twitter and Instagram.
So there they are! It does actually feel good to get these written down on (virtual) paper. All of this has been swimming around in my head for quite a while now and after redesigning the look of my blog, it felt like the perfect time to publish my plans in a post. I am really excited about the future and getting going with achieving my goals - onwards and upwards!
What goals are you hoping to achieve in terms of your blog? Please leave them below as I'd love to hear them!
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